[% IF message == 'invalid id_token'; title = 'Staff login'; ELSE; DEFAULT title = 'Error'; END %] [% INCLUDE 'header.html', title = title %] [% IF csrf_token ~%] [% END ~%] [% IF message == 'invalid id_token' %] [% # Very occasionally the user will run into this error when logging in, either because # the redirects from Microsoftonline aren't working correctly, or the user's browser doesn't have # a cookie set, or their session doesn't have the relevant oauth values stored. # The exact cause is currently unknown and hard to pin down due to the transient # nature of the bug. # Because the login invariably works the next time the user tries, this workaround # just presents the OIDC login button again (labelled as a 'continue' button...) and # will thus allow them to login successfully. In theory. %]
[% message | safe %]