[%~ IF bodyclass.match('waste') ~%] [%~ INCLUDE navitem uri='/waste/' label=loc('Report a problem') attrs='class="report-a-problem-btn"' ~%] [%~ ELSE ~%] [% INCLUDE 'navigation/_report.html' %] [%~ END ~%] [%~ IF c.user_exists ~%] [%~ INCLUDE navitem uri='/my' label=loc('Your account') ~%] [%~ ELSE ~%] [%~ INCLUDE navitem uri='/auth' label=loc('Sign in') ~%] [%~ END ~%] [%~ IF NOT bodyclass.match('waste') ~%] [%~ IF c.user_exists AND c.user.has_body_permission_to('planned_reports') ~%] [%~ INCLUDE navitem always_url=1 uri='/my/planned' label=loc('Shortlist') ~%] [%~ END ~%] [%~ INCLUDE 'navigation/_all_reports.html' ~%] [%~ IF pc; pc_uri = pc | uri; pc_suffix = "/list?pc=" _ pc_uri; END; INCLUDE navitem uri='/alert' label=loc('Local alerts') suffix=pc_suffix; ~%] [%~ END ~%] [%~ INCLUDE navitem uri='/faq' label=loc('Help') ~%] [%~ UNLESS hide_privacy_link ~%] [%~ INCLUDE navitem uri=c.cobrand.privacy_policy_url label=loc('Privacy') liattrs='class="nav-menu__item--privacy"' ~%] [%~ END ~%] [%~ IF c.user_exists AND c.cobrand.admin_allow_user(c.user) ~%] [%~ INCLUDE navitem uri='/admin' label=loc('Admin') ~%] [%~ END ~%]