[% INCLUDE 'header.html', title = loc('Frequently Asked Questions'), sidebar='about/_sidebar.html' %]

[% loc('Frequently Asked Questions') %]

What is this site?
[% site_name %] is a site to help people report to their local authority, view, or discuss local issues they’ve found, by simply locating them on a map.
How do I get in touch with [% site_name %]?
Here’s the FixMyStreet contact page.
How do I contact Peterborough City Council?
Here’s the Peterborough City Council contact page.
What sort of problems should I report with [% site_name %]?
This depends upon the precise purpose of [% site_name %]; in the UK, FixMyStreet is primarily for reporting things which are broken or dirty or damaged or dumped, and need fixing, cleaning or clearing, such as:
What isn’t [% site_name %] for?
[% site_name %] is not a way of getting in touch with your authority for all issues – please use this site only for problems such as the above. We often route problem reports via cleansing services or highways and so using this site for other matters may result in a delay in your report getting to the right department. You will need to contact your authority directly for problems such as:

Authorities often have direct hotlines for these sorts of issues.

Please check the Peterborough City Council reporting page for more details about these services.

How do I use the site?
After entering a location, you are presented with a map of that area. You can view problems already reported in that area, or report ones of your own by clicking on the map at the location of the problem.
How are the problems solved?
They are reported to the relevant authority by email. The authority can then resolve the problem the way they normally would. Alternatively, you can discuss the problem on the website with others, and then together lobby the authority to fix it, or fix it directly yourselves.
Is it free?
The site is free to use, yes. The FixMyStreet Platform is maintained by a registered charity, so if you want to make a contribution, please do.
Can I use [% site_name %] on my mobile?

The [% site_name %] website will already work on your mobile phone, adapting to the size of your screen automatically.

Is there an app I can download?

Yes, see our instructions on how to download the [% c.cobrand.council_name %] reporting app.

Practical Questions

Do you remove silly or illegal content?
[% site_name %] is not responsible for the content and accuracy of material submitted by its users. We reserve the right to edit or remove any problems or updates which we consider to be inappropriate upon being informed by a user of the site.
Why can’t I zoom out more on the reporting map?
We want to keep [% site_name %] locally focused, so restrict the ability to move radically between areas. The map on Your Reports will let you see all the reports you’ve made, wherever they are. If you’re from the authority then the emailed version of the problem report might also contain the closest road or postcode to the pin on the map.
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