[% USE date %] [% INCLUDE waste/header.html %]
You can subscribe to our garden waste collection service if you are a frequent gardener, or if you can’t home compost your own garden waste.
It costs £[% tprintf('%.2f', per_bin_cost / 100 ) %] for a 12-month subscription. [% IF next_month_cost %] From [% date.format(next_month_cost.start_date, '%e %B') %], subscribers will pay £[% tprintf('%.2f', next_month_cost.cost / 100 ) %] for a 12-month subscription. [% END %]
If you need us to deliver bins to you, there is a fee of £[% tprintf('%.2f', per_new_bin_first_cost / 100 ) %] per bin for admin and delivery. If you order more than one bin at once, the admin and delivery fee will be £[% tprintf('%.2f', per_new_bin_cost / 100 ) %] for each additional bin.
[% IF slwp_garden_sacks %]A roll of 10 garden waste sacks costs £[% tprintf('%.2f', per_sack_cost / 100 ) %].
[% END %]We will aim to deliver your garden waste bin or roll of sacks within 20 working days.
The bags are biodegradable and break down with the garden waste. Store them in a dry place away from direct sunlight so they don’t start to break down before you use them.
[% ELSE %]We will aim to deliver your garden waste bin within 20 working days.
[% END %]We can’t accept:
We collect garden waste every 2 weeks.
[% IF slwp_garden_sacks %]You can fill your sacks whenever you need to during your 12 month subscription and put them out on your next garden waste collection day.
[% END %]