[% PROCESS 'auth/form_extra.html' %]

[% loc('Next:') %] [% loc('Tell us about you') %]

[% IF NOT c.user_exists AND c.cobrand.feature('oidc_login') %] [% END %] [% IF type == 'report' %]
[% loc('or') %] [% loc('No personal details will be stored, and you will not receive updates about this report.') %]
[% END %]
[% IF (c.user_exists OR NOT c.cobrand.social_auth_enabled) AND type == 'report' AND c.cobrand.allow_anonymous_reports == 'button' %]
[% loc('No personal details will be stored, and you will not receive updates about this report.') %] [% loc('or') %]
[% END %]