[%# A trio of suggested steps, shown on completion pages across FMS.com %]
[% DEFAULT share_url = c.cobrand.base_url %]
[% DEFAULT twitter_comment = 'I just used @fixmystreet, you should try it!' %]
[% IF just_interacted %]
[% loc('Great work. Now spread the word!') %]
[% loc('Share your report on Twitter and Facebook, and let your friends join the conversation.') %]
[% ELSE %]
[% loc('Spread the word about FixMyStreet!') %]
[% loc('You know how to get things fixed - now make sure your friends do too.') %]
[% END %]
[% loc('Help support FixMyStreet') %]
[% loc('Even a small donation of £5 today will help mySociety run sites like FixMyStreet.') %]
[% loc('Free FixMyStreet goodies for you!') %]
[% loc('Perfect for civic groups, clubs, and schools.') %]