[% cfg = c.cobrand.feature('updates_allowed') ~%] [% IF cfg %] This site’s configuration means even if this is unticked, only [%~ IF cfg == 'staff' %] staff will be able to leave updates. [%~ ELSIF cfg == 'reporter' %] the problem reporter will be able to leave updates. [%~ ELSIF cfg == 'reporter-open' %] the problem reporter will be able to leave updates on open reports. [%~ ELSIF cfg == 'reporter/staff' %] the problem reporter or staff will be able to leave updates. [%~ ELSIF cfg == 'reporter/staff-open' %] the problem reporter or staff will be able to leave updates. [%~ ELSIF cfg == 'open' %] open reports can have updates left on them. [%~ ELSIF cfg == 'reporter-not-open/staff-open' %] staff can leave updates on an open report, and only the problem reporter can leave updates on a closed or fixed report. [%~ END %] [% END %]