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Our green garden waste wheelie bin collection, exclusive to residents in the borough, is ideal if you are frequent gardener or if you are unable to home compost large amounts of garden waste yourself.

How much does it cost?

£[% tprintf('%.2f', per_bin_cost / 100 ) %] for 12 months, which equates to just £[% tprintf('%.2f', per_bin_cost / 5200 ) %] a week. For this you will receive a large 240 litre wheelie bin to place your green garden waste in and a collection every two weeks.

Delivery times

If your order is to join the service, we will deliver your new Green Garden waste in approximately two weeks. You do not have to be in to receive the wheeled bin as we will leave it in a safe place on your property.

What can go in the wheelie bin?

We cannot accept:

How often is my garden waste collected?

During the 9 months of the gardening season (March to November) you will receive a collection every other week. For the remaining 3 months of the year collections will be made once a month.

Where does the garden waste go?

We take your garden waste to a composting facility where it is treated and turned into compost, and then used on farms as a soil improver.

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