Subject: Your report has been logged: [% report.title %] Hello [% %], Your report to Transport for London has been logged on [% site_name %]. [% IF report.non_public ~%] It has been marked as private and will not be visible to the general public; you may view it using the link below, or if you sign in using the email address associated with the report. [% END ~%] [% TRY %][% INCLUDE '_council_reference.txt' problem=report %][% CATCH file %][% END %] It is available to view at: [% cobrand.base_url_for_report(report) %][% report.view_url %] Your report has the title: [% report.title %] And details: [% report.detail %] [% signature %] This email was sent automatically, from an unmonitored email account - so please do not reply to it.