Subject: Your bulky waste collection is [% IF cobrand.moniker == 'kingston'; SET ref_prefix = 'RBK-'; ELSE; SET ref_prefix = 'LBS-'; END; IF days == 3; "in 3 days"; ELSIF days == 1; "tomorrow"; END; %] - [% ref_prefix %][% %] [% PROCESS 'waste/_bulky_data.html'; property_id_uri = report.get_extra_field_value('property_id') | uri; cancel_url = cobrand.base_url _ '/waste/' _ property_id_uri _ '/' _ bulky_cancel_url _ '/' _; ~%] Dear [% %], [% IF days == 3 %] Your bulky waste is due to be collected in 3 days on [% collection_date %]. [% ELSIF days == 1 %] Your bulky waste is due to be collected tomorrow on [% collection_date %]. [% END %] [% report.detail %] [% INCLUDE 'waste/_bulky_extra_text.txt' %] [% signature %] Cancel this booking: [% cancel_url %] This email was sent automatically, from an unmonitored email account - so please do not reply to it.