[% USE pounds = format('%.2f'); PROCESS 'waste/_garden_data.html'; BLOCK show_fields; FOR field IN fields; IF field.2; SET val = report.get_extra_metadata(field.1); ELSE; SET val = report.get_extra_field_value(field.1); END; IF val; '

'; IF payments; field.0 _ ': £' _ pounds(val / 100) _ "\n\n"; ELSE; field.0 _ ': ' _ val _ "\n\n"; END; '

'; END; END; END; email_columns = 2; PROCESS '_email_settings.html'; INCLUDE '_email_top.html'; %] [% start_padded_box | safe %]

Dear [% report.name %],

[% email_summary %]

[% INCLUDE '_council_reference.html' problem=report %] [% IF type != 'cancel' ~%]

You have signed up for:

[% END %] [% IF quantity ~%]

[% IF sacks ~%] Garden waste sack collection: [% quantity %] [% nget('roll', 'rolls', quantity) %] [% ELSE ~%] Number of bin subscriptions: [% quantity %] [% END ~%]

[% END %] [% IF new_bins > 0 AND NOT sacks ~%]

Bins to be delivered: [% new_bins %]

[% ELSIF new_bins < 0 AND NOT sacks ~%]

Bins to be removed: [% 0 - new_bins %]

[% END %] [% INCLUDE show_fields payments=1 fields=[ [ 'Subscription cost', 'payment' ], [ 'Payment', 'pro_rata' ], [ 'Admin fee for new bin(s)', 'admin_fee' ], ] %] [% IF total %]

Total: £[% pounds(total / 100) %]

[% END %] [% IF cobrand.moniker == 'brent' %] [% IF type == 'new' OR type == 'renew' ~%]

Your subscription will last until the end of March [% renew_year_end %] and starts after your first collection date.

[% END %] [% ELSE %] [% IF type == 'new' ~%]

Your subscription will last for 12 months and starts after your first collection date.

[% END %] [% END %]

You can check your collection day online.

[% IF new_bins > 0 ~%]

[% IF cobrand.moniker == 'brent' OR cobrand.moniker == 'merton' %] We will aim to deliver your [% IF sacks %]sacks[% ELSE %]new bin(s)[% END %] within 10 working days. [% ELSE %] We will aim to deliver your [% IF sacks %]roll of sacks[% ELSE %]new bin(s)[% END %] within 20 working days. [% END %] You don’t need to be at home for the delivery - we’ll leave them outside your address.

[% END %]

Your garden waste needs to be at the boundary of your property by [% cobrand.garden_collection_time %] on the day of collection. Find out what you can put in your garden waste.

Kind regards,
Waste Services Team

[% end_padded_box | safe %] [% WRAPPER '_email_sidebar.html' object = report %]

[% report.title | html %]

[% report.detail | html_para_email(secondary_p_style) %] [% END %] [% INCLUDE '_email_bottom.html' %]