Subject: [%~ IF report.category == 'Small items collection' ~%] [%~ " Small items collection reminder - reference " _ %] [%~ ELSE ~%] [%~ " Bulky waste collection reminder - reference " _ %] [%~ END %] [% USE pounds = format('%.2f'); PROCESS 'waste/_bulky_data.html'; ~%] Dear [% %], [% email_summary %] [% IF days == 3 %] This is a reminder that your collection is in 3 days. [% ELSIF days == 1 %] This is a reminder that your collection is tomorrow. [% END %] Items to be collected: [% INCLUDE 'waste/_bulky_list.txt' %] [% INCLUDE '_council_reference.txt' problem=report %] [% report.detail %] Collection date: [% collection_date %] [% IF payment ~%] Total cost: £[% pounds(payment / 100) %] [% END ~%] [%~ IF staff_cancellation %] [%~ IF cobrand.moniker == 'peterborough' %] If you wish to cancel your booking, please call 01733 74 74 74. [% END %] [% ELSE %] If you wish to cancel your booking, please visit: [% cobrand.base_url %]/waste/[% report.get_extra_field_value('property_id') | uri %]/[% bulky_cancel_url %]/[% %] [% IF days == 1 && cobrand.moniker == 'brent' %] You may still be able to cancel your booking. [% ELSIF days == 1 %] You can still cancel your booking, but a refund is no longer available. [% ELSE %] [% IF cobrand.moniker == 'peterborough' %] You can obtain a refund if you cancel by [% cobrand.bulky_nice_collection_time %] on the day prior to your collection. [% END %] [% END %] [% END ~%] [% IF cobrand.moniker == 'peterborough' %] Please check the bulky waste collection page on the council’s website for information about this service: [% END %] [% signature %] This email was sent automatically, from an unmonitored email account - so please do not reply to it.