[% IF NOT sent_confirm_id_ref %] [% SET sent_confirm_id_ref = report.id %] [% END %] [% IF report.category == 'Small items collection'; SET email_summary = "Thank you for booking a small items collection with " _ cobrand.council_name _ "."; SET bulky_cancel_url = 'small_items/cancel'; ELSE; SET email_summary = "Thank you for booking a bulky waste collection with " _ cobrand.council_name _ "."; SET bulky_cancel_url = 'bulky/cancel'; END; IF NOT sent_confirm_id_ref; SET sent_confirm_id_ref = report.id; END; SET payment = report.get_extra_field_value('payment'); SET collection_date = cobrand.bulky_nice_collection_date(report); SET report_date = report.confirmed.strftime('%A %d %B %Y'); SET item_list = cobrand.bulky_nice_item_list(report); SET staff_cancellation = cobrand.feature('waste_features').bulky_enabled == 'staff' || cobrand.feature('waste_features').bulky_cancel_enabled == 'staff'; ~%]