[% USE pounds = format('%.2f'); ~%] Subject: Refund requested for cancelled bulky goods collection [% wasteworks_id %] [% detail %] Resident's Name: [% resident_name %] Resident's Email: [% resident_email %] A bulky goods collection has been cancelled and is entitled to a refund. Payment Date: [% USE date; date.format( payment_date, '%d/%m/%y %H:%M' ) %] Payment Amount: £[% pounds(payment_amount / 100) %] Amount To Refund: £[% pounds(refund_amount / 100) %] [% IF payment_method == 'csc' %] PAYE.net code: [% payment_code %] [% ELSE %] Capita SCP Response: [% scp_response %] CAN: [% continuous_audit_number %] Auth Code: [% auth_code %] reference2: [% wasteworks_id %] [% END %] This email was sent automatically, from an unmonitored email account - so please do not reply to it.