Problems exist in four broad state categories: unconfirmed - the report has been made but the user hasn't clicked the confirmation link. open - the report has been confirmed fixed - any user has marked this problem as fixed closed - a registered user from a council has marked the problem as closed When a problem is created it will be unconfirmed, The problem becomes confirmed when the user clicks on the link sent to them in the confirmation email. If a problem is uploaded from a mobile app then it is initally created with a state of partial. If a user is logged in then any problem they create is confirmed automatically. If a council user is logged in then they can change the state of the problem to one of the following, providing they are from the council that the problem has been reported to: Open ( a synonym for confirmed ) Investigating Planned In progress Fixed Closed Updates from council users will have the name of the council they are from included in the meta information for that update. Any user of the sytem can mark a problem as fixed. If a problem has been marked as fixed then the user who created the problem can reopen the problem by checking the 'This problem has not been fixed' checkbox when submitting an update. If a problem has been closed it may only be re-opened by a council user although it can still be updated. Internally there are three states for fixed problems: fixed : problems marked as fixed before the addition of extra states fixed - user : marked as fixed by a standard site user fixed - council : marked as fixed by a council user At the moment there is no visible difference between these fixed states. If you need to check the state of a problem then there are a set of utility functions in DB/Result/ to do that. If you have a problem object then these can be called directly on it: $problem->is_visible $problem->is_fixed $problem->is_open $problem->is_closed The is_visible method returns true if a problem should be displayed on the site - i.e it has been confirmed. You can also get a list of the states in a particular category by calling one of the following class methods: visible_states open_states closed_states fixed_states Which will return a list of state strings in list context or a hash reference in scalar context which you can use like this: if ( FixMyStreet::App->model('DB::Problem')->open_states->{$state} ) { print "$state is open\n"; }